Weather in Zanzibar in april 2025

Below, you have access to the weather forecast for april for most popular cities in Zanzibar. These forecasts are statistics for april from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the possibility of having the weather mentioned.

Average weather in april in Stone Town

very bad weather UV index: 7

Weather at 6am

Moderate rain at times


Partly Cloudy




Weather at 12pm

Heavy rain




Partly Cloudy


Weather at 6pm

Moderate rain at times


Heavy rain


Partly Cloudy


Weather at 3am

Heavy rain


Moderate rain at times


Partly Cloudy




More information about the weather in Stone Town in april

Where to go in Zanzibar in april?

Where to go in Zanzibar in april: destination map

Legend: perfect weather good tolerable bad very bad

Where to go in each region in april?

(Kilindoni (Mafia Island), Utende, Chole Bay...)
86°F20 days86°F
bad weather
(Wete (Pemba Island), Chake Chake, Mkoani...)
85°F24 days86°F
very bad weather
(Stone Town, Nungwi (Unguja Island), Pingwe...)
86°F23 days85°F to 86°F
very bad weather

Where should you go in Zanzibar in april when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Zanzibar in april ranges from bad to very bad depending on the region and city.

The month of april is one of the worst month for spending holidays in Zanzibar. The climate in Wete (Pemba Island), Kendwa, Chake Chake, Matemwe, Jambiani, Nungwi (Unguja Island), Uroa and Fumba and everywhere in the country is ver bad. It's cold, the sun is not there all the time and you take the risk being faced with rain very regularly wherever you go.

Climate in Zanzibar in april

Climate in Stone Town in april

In the month of april, the mean temperature in Stone Town is 83°F (maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 81°F). The climate is good there in this month. With 23.7in over 23 days, you will suffer the rain throughout your journey. So remember to bring clothes for rain.

Average temperature 83°F
Highest temperature 86°F
Lowest temperature 81°F
Sea temperature 85°F
Rainfall 23.7in
Number of days with rainfall 23 day(s)
Humidity 84%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 39%
Length of day 11:58
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Stone Town in april

Climate in Nungwi (Unguja Island) in april

In the month of april, the mean temperature in Nungwi (Unguja Island) is 83°F (maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 81°F). The climate is very hot around this city in april. With 23.7in over 23 days, rain is to be feared during your stay. So remember to pack rain clothes.

Average temperature 83°F
Highest temperature 86°F
Lowest temperature 81°F
Sea temperature 85°F
Rainfall 23.7in
Number of days with rainfall 23 day(s)
Humidity 84%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 39%
Length of day 11:59
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Nungwi (Unguja Island) in april

Climate in Wete (Pemba Island) in april

In april, maximum temperature is 85°F and minimum temperature is 83°F (for an average temperature of 85°F). The climate is burning in this location in the month of april. With 25.7in over 24 days, you may find yourself often in the rain during your journey. Remember to pack Rain coats.

Average temperature 85°F
Highest temperature 85°F
Lowest temperature 83°F
Sea temperature 85°F
Rainfall 25.7in
Number of days with rainfall 24 day(s)
Humidity 79%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 41%
Length of day 12:00
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Wete (Pemba Island) in april

Climate in Chake Chake in april

In april, the mean temperature in Chake Chake is 85°F (maximum temperature is 85°F and minimum temperature is 83°F). The climate is very hot in this city in april. With 25.7in over 24 days, you may find yourself often in the rain throughout your stay. Remember to pack adapted clothes.

Average temperature 85°F
Highest temperature 85°F
Lowest temperature 83°F
Sea temperature 85°F
Rainfall 25.7in
Number of days with rainfall 24 day(s)
Humidity 79%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 41%
Length of day 11:59
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Chake Chake in april

Climate in Kilindoni (Mafia Island) in april

In the month of april, the mean temperature in Kilindoni (Mafia Island) is 81°F (maximum temperature is 86°F and minimum temperature is 77°F). The climate is burning around this city in this month. With 14.1in over 20 days, the weather is rather to rain during your journey. Remember to pack clothes for rain.
With a correct climate, april is okay (but not the best time) for traveling there.

Average temperature 81°F
Highest temperature 86°F
Lowest temperature 77°F
Sea temperature 85°F
Rainfall 14.1in
Number of days with rainfall 20 day(s)
Humidity 91%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 41%
Length of day 11:56
Our opinion at bad
more information about the climate in Kilindoni (Mafia Island) in april

All cities in Zanzibar in april

Stone Town in aprilvery bad weather
Nungwi (Unguja Island) in aprilvery bad weather
Wete (Pemba Island) in aprilvery bad weather
Chake Chake in aprilvery bad weather
Kilindoni (Mafia Island) in aprilbad weather
Bwejuu in aprilvery bad weather
Bweni in aprilbad weather
Changuu (Prison island) in aprilvery bad weather
Chole Bay in aprilbad weather
Chumbe Island in aprilvery bad weather
Chwaka in aprilvery bad weather
Fumba in aprilvery bad weather
Bawe Island in aprilvery bad weather
Chapwani Island in aprilvery bad weather
Jambiani in aprilvery bad weather
Jozani in aprilvery bad weather
Kangani in aprilvery bad weather
Kendwa in aprilvery bad weather
Kiwengwa in aprilvery bad weather
Kizimkazi in aprilvery bad weather
Makunduchi Beach in aprilvery bad weather
See full list of cities (32)

Weather data for Zanzibar in april:

Weather data for Zanzibar in april is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Zanzibar. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Zanzibar can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Zanzibar.

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