Weather in Quebec in october 2024

In this section, you have access to the weather forecast for october for most popular cities in Quebec. These forecasts are probabilities for october from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather indicated.

Where to go in Quebec in october?

Where to go in Quebec in october: destination map

Legend: perfect weather good tolerable bad very bad

Where to go in each region in october?

(Tadoussac, Blanc-Sablon, Baie-Comeau...)
47°F to 50°F7 à 8 days43°F to 45°F
very bad weather*
(Gaspé (Gaspé Peninsula), Carleton-sur-Mer, Rimouski...)
49°F to 54°F7 à 8 days43°F to 50°F
bad weather
Northern Quebec
(Salluit, Chibougamau, Parc national Kuururjuaq...)
31°F to 47°F4 à 9 days
very bad weather
(Saguenay, Alma, Saint-Felicien...)
49°F to 50°F7 à 8 days
very bad weather
South East of Quebec
(Montreal, Sherbrooke, Drummondville...)
52°F to 58°F6 à 9 days
tolerable weather*
South West of Quebec
(Québec City, Charlevoix, Val-d'Or...)
49°F to 56°F8 à 10 days
very bad weather*
*over most of the region. Weather may vary locally.

Where should you go in Quebec in october when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Quebec in october ranges from tolerable to very bad depending on the region and city.

That month is not the best month to go to in Quebec. The weather in Montreal and Granby is just ok. The sun is not there all the time and you risk you to be soaked by rain frequently. Nonetheless, if you don't plan a pool and sun trip but rather cultural visits or hiking, this climate may be enough. In addition, there are certainly fewer tourists at this time.

But it is finally better than in Blanc-Sablon, Baie-Saint-Paul, Montmagny, Port-Cartier, Rivière-du-Loup, Alma, Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, Trois-Rivières, Gaspé (Gaspé Peninsula), Saguenay, Matane, Sept-Îles, Québec City, Saint-Felicien, Baie-Comeau, Tadoussac, Rimouski, Chibougamau, Dolbeau-Mistassini, Sherbrooke, Rivière-Saint-Paul and Percé and surrounding areas where the climate is very bad. It is really not advisable to travel to these areas this month.

Climate in Quebec in october

Climate in Quebec City in october

In october, the mean temperature in Québec City is 49°F (maximum temperature is 54°F and minimum temperature is 43°F). The climate is relatively cool in this city in october, but it is tolerable by dressing cosy. With 7.2in over 9 days, rainfall can happen for your holidays. But this is reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.
With an unfavorable weather, the month of october is not recommended month to go in that area.

Average temperature 49°F
Highest temperature 54°F
Lowest temperature 43°F
Rainfall 7.2in
Number of days with rainfall 9 day(s)
Humidity 89%
Daily sunshine hours 8
Cloud cover 49%
Length of day 10:54
Our opinion at bad
more information about the climate in Quebec City in october

Climate in Gaspé (Gaspé Peninsula) in october

In the month of october, maximum temperature is 50°F and minimum temperature is 45°F (for an average temperature of 47°F). The climate is quite cool in that locality in this month, but it is bearable when dressing warm. With 5.3in over 7 days, rain may occur throughout your trip. But this is reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a bad climate, october is not recommended month to go in this locality.

Average temperature 47°F
Highest temperature 50°F
Lowest temperature 45°F
Sea temperature 47°F
Rainfall 5.3in
Number of days with rainfall 7 day(s)
Humidity 85%
Daily sunshine hours 9
Cloud cover 48%
Length of day 10:48
Our opinion at bad
more information about the climate in Gaspé (Gaspé Peninsula) in october

Climate in Montreal in october

In october, maximum temperature is 58°F and minimum temperature is 47°F (for an average temperature of 52°F). The climate is quite cold around this city in the month of october, but it is endurable when dressing cosy. With 6.6in over 8 days, rainfall can happen for your trip. But this is reasonably and you will not be too bothered by it.
With proper weather, october is okay (but not good month) for traveling there in Canada.

Average temperature 52°F
Highest temperature 58°F
Lowest temperature 47°F
Rainfall 6.6in
Number of days with rainfall 8 day(s)
Humidity 85%
Daily sunshine hours 8
Cloud cover 49%
Length of day 10:57
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Montreal in october

Climate in Alma in october

In the month of october, maximum temperature is 50°F and minimum temperature is 41°F (for an average temperature of 45°F). The climate is quite fresh there in october, but it is livable when dressing warm. With 5.6in over 7 days, rainfall can happen for your stay. But this is reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.
With an unfavorable weather, the month of october is not recommended month to go in Alma.

Average temperature 45°F
Highest temperature 50°F
Lowest temperature 41°F
Rainfall 5.6in
Number of days with rainfall 7 day(s)
Humidity 87%
Daily sunshine hours 8
Cloud cover 56%
Length of day 10:50
Our opinion at very bad
more information about the climate in Alma in october

Climate in Baie-Comeau in october

In october, the mean temperature in Baie-Comeau is 45°F (maximum temperature is 49°F and minimum temperature is 43°F). The climate is quite cool in that area in october, but it is livable when dressing hot. With 6.4in over 8 days, you risk getting wet slightly throughout your journey. But this is reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a bad weather, october is not recommended month to go in this locality.

Average temperature 45°F
Highest temperature 49°F
Lowest temperature 43°F
Sea temperature 43°F
Rainfall 6.4in
Number of days with rainfall 8 day(s)
Humidity 83%
Daily sunshine hours 9
Cloud cover 49%
Length of day 10:48
Our opinion at bad
more information about the climate in Baie-Comeau in october

All cities in Quebec in october

Quebec City in octoberbad weather
Gaspé (Gaspé Peninsula) in octoberbad weather
Montreal in octobertolerable weather
Alma in octobervery bad weather
Baie-Comeau in octoberbad weather
Blanc-Sablon in octobervery bad weather
Carleton-sur-Mer in octobervery bad weather
Charlevoix in octobervery bad weather
Chibougamau in octobervery bad weather
Drummondville in octobertolerable weather
Kuururjuaq National Park in octobervery bad weather
Rimouski in octoberbad weather
Saguenay in octobervery bad weather
Saint-Felicien in octobervery bad weather
Salluit in octobervery bad weather
Sherbrooke in octoberbad weather
Tadoussac in octoberbad weather
Val-d'Or in octobervery bad weather
Amos in octobervery bad weather
Baie-Saint-Paul in octobervery bad weather
Beauceville in octobervery bad weather
See full list of cities (53)

Weather data for Quebec in october:

Weather data for Quebec in october is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Quebec. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Quebec can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Quebec.

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