Pointe-à-Pitre travel budget

Pointe-à-Pitre: calculate your travel budget

Sample budgets for a trip to Pointe-à-Pitre

These example budgets assume a 2-week holiday in Pointe-à-Pitre for 2 people.

Low budget

Daily budget:

  • $ 56 for 2 ppl.
  • $ 15 per person
  • $ 5.1 per person
  • Free activities

Total budget:

$ 1320* (1246 €)

Average budget

Daily budget:

  • $ 172 for 2 ppl.
  • $ 29 per person
  • $ 15 per person
  • $ 13 per person

Total budget:

$ 3960* (3724 €)

High budget

Daily budget:

  • $ 208 for 2 ppl.
  • $ 41 per person
  • $ 31 per person
  • $ 26 per person

Total budget:

$ 5608* (5264 €)

* estimated local budget for 2 people for 2 weeks (excluding plane tickets).

Cost of living in Pointe-à-Pitre compared to United States in 2024

Compare with the average cost of living in:

On average, the cost of living in Pointe-à-Pitre in 2024 is 10% less than the average cost of living in the United States (USA).

See the graphic below for the price variation percentage by type of expense in Pointe-à-Pitre in 2024 compared to average prices in the United States (USA):

Local prices in Pointe-à-Pitre by expense type

Restaurant budget in Pointe-à-Pitre

On average, budget for eating in a restaurant in Pointe-à-Pitre is 36% cheaper than in the United States (USA).
$ 10/person
( $ 10)

52% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 21
3 course dinner
3 course dinner
$ 16/person
( $ 16)

58% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 39
McDonald's meal
McDonald's meal
$ 10/person
( $ 10)

10% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 11
Local beer
Local beer
$ 6.4 for 500ml
( $ 6.4)

7% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 6
Imported beer
Imported beer
$ 1.4 for 330ml
( $ 1.4)

60% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.6
$ 3.2/cup
( $ 3.2)

37% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 5.1
Fizzy drink
Fizzy drink
$ 1.9/can
( $ 1.9)

24% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.5
Water bottle
Water bottle
$ 1/bottle
( $ 1)

52% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.1

Hotel and accommodation budget in Pointe-à-Pitre

On average, hotel and accommodation budget in Pointe-à-Pitre is 9% cheaper than in the United States (USA).
1-star hotel
1-star hotel
$ 56/night
($ 56 to $ 512)

60% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 142
2-star hotel
2-star hotel
$ 154/night
($ 87 to $ 298)

9% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 142
3-star hotel
3-star hotel
$ 190/night
($ 104 to $ 350)

6% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 204
4-star hotel
4-star hotel
$ 227/night
($ 126 to $ 400)

22% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 291
5-star hotel
5-star hotel
$ 212/night
($ 86 to $ 493)

57% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 501
Hostel/Youth Hostel
Hostel/Youth Hostel
$ 144/month
($ 61 to $ 332)

3% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 141
Room with kitchen
Room with kitchen
$ 216/month
($ 69 to $ 654)

6% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 204
Hotel with swimming pool
Hotel with swimming pool
$ 215/month
($ 76 to $ 531)

15% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 187
Cottage or guest house
Cottage or guest house
$ 169/month
($ 60 to $ 413)

24% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 222
Family room
Family room
$ 285/month
($ 134 to $ 818)

50% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 191

Supermarket food budget in Pointe-à-Pitre

On average, the price of supermarket food in Pointe-à-Pitre is 22% cheaper than in the United States (USA).
$ 1.1/litre
( $ 1.1)

0% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 1.1
$ 3.9/500g
( $ 3.9)

9% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.6
$ 2.1/kg
( $ 2.1)

54% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 4.6
$ 4.7/12 eggs
( $ 4.7)

26% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.7
$ 13/kg
( $ 13)

2% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 13
$ 3.1/kg
( $ 3.1)

41% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 5.3
$ 5.2/kg
( $ 5.2)

7% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 4.9
$ 1.7/kg
( $ 1.7)

43% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3
Water bottle
Water bottle
$ 0.3
( $ 0.3)

85% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.2

Public and private transport budget in Pointe-à-Pitre

On average, the price of transport in Pointe-à-Pitre is 7% more expensive than in the United States (USA).
Bus ticket
Bus ticket
$ 1.3/ticket
( $ 1.3)

48% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 2.5
Taxi (per km)
Taxi (per km)
$ 1.7/km
( $ 1.7)

3% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 1.7
$ 1.5/litre
($ 1.2 to $ 1.9)

57% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 1
Taxi (initial pick-up charge)
Taxi (initial pick-up charge)
$ 3.8
( $ 3.8)

3% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 3.8
Car hire
Car hire
$ 39/24hrs
($ 20 to $ 96)

25% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 31

Leisure activity budget in Pointe-à-Pitre

On average, budget for leisure activities in Pointe-à-Pitre is 8% cheaper than in the United States (USA).
$ 13/ticket
( $ 13)

8% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 15

Budget for clothes and price of cigarettes in Pointe-à-Pitre

On average, shopping budget in Pointe-à-Pitre is 7% more expensive than in the United States (USA).
$ 12/pack
( $ 12)

12% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 11
Levi's jeans
Levi's jeans
$ 86
( $ 86)

60% more than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 54
Summer dress
Summer dress
$ 22
( $ 22)

51% less than in the United States (USA)United States Average price in the United States (USA): $ 44

Plane ticket budget

Montreal → Pointe-à-Pitre
Montreal → Pointe-à-Pitre
Montreal → Pointe-à-Pitre
$ 930
(fair price: $ 725)
London → Pointe-à-Pitre
London → Pointe-à-Pitre
London → Pointe-à-Pitre
$ 818
(fair price: $ 687)
New York City → Pointe-à-Pitre
New York City → Pointe-à-Pitre
New York City → Pointe-à-Pitre
$ 733
(fair price: $ 575)
Manchester → Pointe-à-Pitre
Manchester → Pointe-à-Pitre
Manchester → Pointe-à-Pitre
$ 827
(fair price: $ 673)
Toronto → Pointe-à-Pitre
Toronto → Pointe-à-Pitre
Toronto → Pointe-à-Pitre
$ 907
(fair price: $ 718)
Dublin → Pointe-à-Pitre
Dublin → Pointe-à-Pitre
Dublin → Pointe-à-Pitre
$ 834
(fair price: $ 727)

Book a flight Flight prices to Pointe-à-Pitre

About this information on the cost of living in Pointe-à-Pitre

The information about the cost of living in Pointe-à-Pitre shown on this page comes from multiple sources, including: Numbeo, Skyscanner and Hotels.com.

The information about the cost of living in Pointe-à-Pitre was updated on 22-04-2024.

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