Weather in Vendée in april 2025

Here, check out the weather forecast for april for most popular cities in Vendée. These predictions are probabilities for april from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the possibility of having the weather indicated.

Where to go in Vendée in april?

Where to go in Vendée in april: destination map

Legend: perfect weather good tolerable bad very bad

Where should you go in Vendée in april when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Vendée in april is tolerable across the board.

That month is not the best month to visit Vendée. The weather in Les Herbiers, Saint-Jean-de-Monts, Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez, Aizenay, La Tranche-sur-Mer, Maillezais, Port Bourgenay, La Faute-sur-Mer, Longeville-sur-Mer, Jard-sur-Mer, La Roche-sur-Yon, Noirmoutier Island, Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie, Tiffauges, Challans, Yeu Island (Île d'Yeu), Les Sables-d'Olonne, Montaigu and Bretignolles-sur-Mer is OK but just acceptable. The sun is not there all the time and you may be faced the rain frequently. However, if you don't plan a pool and sun travel but rather visiting museums, this climate may be good enough for you. In addition, there are surely fewer tourists dyring this month of april.

Climate in Vendée in april

Climate in La Roche-sur-Yon in april

In the month of april, the mean temperature in La Roche-sur-Yon is 54°F (maximum temperature is 61°F and minimum temperature is 47°F). The climate is relatively fresh around this city in april, but it is tolerable when dressing hot. With 2.6in over 4 days, you will experience some showers throughout your vacations. But this is reasonably and you will not be too bothered by it.
With a correct climate, april is okay (but not good time) for traveling in La Roche-sur-Yon in Vendée.

Average temperature 54°F
Highest temperature 61°F
Lowest temperature 47°F
Rainfall 2.6in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 90%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 38%
Length of day 13:36
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in La Roche-sur-Yon in april

Climate in Noirmoutier Island in april

In the month of april, maximum temperature is 59°F and minimum temperature is 47°F (for an average temperature of 54°F). The climate is quite fresh around this city in this month, but it is bearable when dressing cosy. With 2.8in over 4 days, rain may occur for your holidays. But this is pretty moderate and it will not be continuous.
With a correct weather, the month of april is okay (but not the best month) for traveling in that area.

Average temperature 54°F
Highest temperature 59°F
Lowest temperature 47°F
Sea temperature 55°F
Rainfall 2.8in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 88%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 36%
Length of day 13:37
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Noirmoutier Island in april

Climate in Jard-sur-Mer in april

In april, the mean temperature in Jard-sur-Mer is 54°F (maximum temperature is 59°F and minimum temperature is 50°F). The climate is relatively cool there in april, but it is bearable by dressing cosy. With 2.8in over 4 days, you will experience some showers for your stay. But this is pretty moderate and it is only of temporary showers.
With a correct weather, the month of april is okay (but not the best time) for traveling in this city in Vendée.

Average temperature 54°F
Highest temperature 59°F
Lowest temperature 50°F
Sea temperature 55°F
Rainfall 2.8in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 85%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 37%
Length of day 13:35
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Jard-sur-Mer in april

Climate in La Tranche-sur-Mer in april

In april, maximum temperature is 59°F and minimum temperature is 49°F (for an average temperature of 54°F). The climate is rather fresh in that area in april, but it is bearable by dressing cosy. With 2.8in over 4 days, you will experience some showers during your vacations. But this is reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.
With proper weather, april is okay (but not the best time) for traveling in this locality in Pays de la Loire.

Average temperature 54°F
Highest temperature 59°F
Lowest temperature 49°F
Sea temperature 56°F
Rainfall 2.8in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 86%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 35%
Length of day 13:35
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in La Tranche-sur-Mer in april

Climate in Puy du Fou in april

In april, maximum temperature is 61°F and minimum temperature is 45°F (for an average temperature of 52°F). The climate is fairly cool here in april, but it is endurable by dressing cosy. With 2.9in over 4 days, you risk getting wet slightly for your holidays. But this is rather reasonably and you will not be too bothered by it.
With a correct weather, the month of april is okay (but not good month) for traveling in Puy du Fou in Pays de la Loire.

Average temperature 52°F
Highest temperature 61°F
Lowest temperature 45°F
Rainfall 2.9in
Number of days with rainfall 4 day(s)
Humidity 92%
Daily sunshine hours 11
Cloud cover 44%
Length of day 13:37
Our opinion at tolerable
more information about the climate in Puy du Fou in april

All cities in Vendée in april

La Roche-sur-Yon in apriltolerable weather
Noirmoutier Island in apriltolerable weather
Jard-sur-Mer in apriltolerable weather
La Tranche-sur-Mer in apriltolerable weather
Puy du Fou in apriltolerable weather
Les Sables-d'Olonne in apriltolerable weather
Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie in apriltolerable weather
Yeu Island (Île d'Yeu) in apriltolerable weather
La Faute-sur-Mer in apriltolerable weather
Maillezais in apriltolerable weather
Montaigu in apriltolerable weather
Aiguillon-la-Presqu'île in apriltolerable weather
Bouin in apriltolerable weather
La Barre-de-Monts in apriltolerable weather
Port Bourgenay in apriltolerable weather
Saint-Jean-de-Monts in apriltolerable weather
Talmont-Saint-Hilaire in apriltolerable weather
Tiffauges in apriltolerable weather
Aizenay in apriltolerable weather
Beauvoir-sur-Mer in apriltolerable weather
Bretignolles-sur-Mer in apriltolerable weather
See full list of cities (29)

Weather data for Vendée in april:

Weather data for Vendée in april is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Vendée. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Vendée can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Vendée.

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