When is the best time to go to Cocoa Beach?

When is the best time to go to Cocoa Beach? Here's some information to help you in your decision:

  • The best months for good weather in Cocoa Beach are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, October, November and December
  • On average, the warmest months are June, July, August and September
  • The rainiest months are June, July, August and September
  • The best months for swimming are June, July, August, September and October

Annual weather in Cocoa Beach

Infographic of the best times to visit Cocoa Beach
Infographic of the best times to visit Cocoa Beach ©whereandwhen.net

Weather details in Cocoa Beach month by month

To get all the information about the climate and weather in Cocoa Beach for a specific month, click on the corresponding link below:

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Weather and climate in Cocoa Beach

Cocoa Beach enjoys a humid subtropical climate (without dry season and with hot summer) in accordance with the Köppen-Geiger classification. The yearly average maximum temperature in Cocoa Beach is 79°F (ranging from 70°F in january to 86°F in august). Annual rainfall is 44in, with a minimum of 1.4in in january and a maximum of 7.6in in august.
  • From january to february the climate is favorable. It is for example 72°F as maximum temperature in february and it rains about 1.4in each month.
  • In march the climate is perfect. At lunchtime, it's 72°F in average and, in march, 3 days of rain are expected.
  • Between april and may the climate is favorable. At lunchtime, it's 81°F in average and it rains about 22% of the time in may.
  • Between june and september the climate is correct. At lunchtime, it's 86°F in average and you can expect to have 6.2in of rainfall/month during this period.
  • From october to november the climate is favorable. By early evening, the temperature averages 74°F and it rains about 9% of the time in november.
  • In december the climate is perfect. The record temperature this month is 81°F.

Cocoa Beach :

Charts: temperature and rainfall in Cocoa Beach

In the charts below, you can see the following seasonal norms for the city of Cocoa Beach: the minimum and maximum outdoor temperature, the risk and amount of monthly rainfall, daily average sunshine, sea temperature, and relative humidity for each month of the year.

Outside temperature

Precipitation (rainfall)

Daily sunshine hours

Sea temperature


Best time for low prices in Cocoa Beach

Average prices of hotels in Cocoa Beach month by month

Generally, September is the month with the lowest hotel prices in Cocoa Beach. So this is a great time to save on your holiday! In contrast, March is statistically the most expensive month of the year for hotels.

Find the best price for your hotel room

Average price of hiring a car in Cocoa Beach

On average, it costs $ 119 per day to hire a car in Cocoa Beach. This price varies by $ 34 depending on the month. In november, hiring a car costs an average of $ 109 per 24 hours, so this is the best time to save money! In contrast, the average price in july is $ 142.

Find the best price for your car rental

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