Weather in Ibiza in december 2025

In this section, check out the weather forecast for december for most popular cities in Ibiza. These datas are probabilities for december from weather reports for over 10 years. The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather mentioned.

Where to go in Ibiza in december?

Where to go in Ibiza in december: destination map

Legend: perfect weather good tolerable bad very bad

Where should you go in Ibiza in december when it comes to the weather?

The climate in Ibiza in december is good across the board.

If in northern Europe, the month of December rhymes with a bitter cold, this is not the case in Ibiza - which takes advantage of its geographical situation and the influence of the Mediterranean on its climate. In fact, a soft atmosphere and sunny days continue to characterize the weather in Ibiza throughout December.

Ibiza at the Beginning of December

As the length of the day is shorter, the sun is slow to rise and yet at dawn - the temperatures allow to feel a pleasant freshness announcing beautiful days in perspective. In fact, despite the rains that happen from time to time, beautiful days sunny and pleasantly warm dominate the beginning of December.

Ibiza in the Middle of December

The weather conditions in mid-December are identical to those at the beginning of the month, except that the atmosphere is a bit fresher due to the lower temperatures. However, in spite of the rains - the sunny weather prevails throughout December in Ibiza, as the sunny days are numerous.

Ibiza at the End of December

As in all previous periods, weather conditions in Ibiza towards the end of the month are characterized by the succession of beautiful days embellished with a gentle atmosphere. They are sometimes punctuated by passing showers and at other times, by a sky covered with light clouds.

Climate in Ibiza in december

Climate in Eivissa (Ibiza) in december

In the month of december, the mean temperature in Eivissa (Ibiza) is 61°F (maximum temperature is 63°F and minimum temperature is 59°F). The climate is rather cool in this location in december, but it is livable by dressing cosy. With just 2.3in over 3 days, it rains very little throughout your vacations.
With a good climate, december is a recommended month to go there.

Average temperature 61°F
Highest temperature 63°F
Lowest temperature 59°F
Sea temperature 63°F
Rainfall 2.3in
Number of days with rainfall 3 day(s)
Humidity 73%
Daily sunshine hours 8
Cloud cover 28%
Length of day 09:28
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Eivissa (Ibiza) in december

Climate in Formentera in december

In the month of december, maximum temperature is 63°F and minimum temperature is 59°F (for an average temperature of 61°F). The climate is quite cold in that area in this month, but it is liveable by dressing warm. With 2.3in over 3 days, you risk getting wet slightly for your stay. But this is moderate and you will not be too bothered by it.
With a correct weather, the month of december is okay (but not good month) for traveling in Formentera in Spain.

Average temperature 61°F
Highest temperature 63°F
Lowest temperature 59°F
Sea temperature 63°F
Rainfall 2.3in
Number of days with rainfall 3 day(s)
Humidity 73%
Daily sunshine hours 8
Cloud cover 28%
Length of day 09:29
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Formentera in december

Climate in Portinatx in december

In december, maximum temperature is 63°F and minimum temperature is 59°F (for an average temperature of 61°F). The climate is rather cool around this city in the month of december, but it is tolerable when dressing warm. With 1.5in over 2 days, you risk getting wet slightly throughout your stay. But this is pretty moderate and you will not be too bothered by it.
With good weather conditions, december is a recommended month to go there.

Average temperature 61°F
Highest temperature 63°F
Lowest temperature 59°F
Sea temperature 63°F
Rainfall 1.5in
Number of days with rainfall 2 day(s)
Humidity 73%
Daily sunshine hours 8
Cloud cover 29%
Length of day 09:27
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Portinatx in december

Climate in Cala de Sant Vicent in december

In december, the mean temperature in Cala de Sant Vicent is 61°F (maximum temperature is 63°F and minimum temperature is 59°F). The climate is rather fresh in this location in this month, but it is bearable by dressing cosy. With 1.5in over 2 days, rain may occur for your trip. But this is moderate and it is only of temporary showers.
With a good weather, december is an advisable month to go there in Ibiza.

Average temperature 61°F
Highest temperature 63°F
Lowest temperature 59°F
Sea temperature 63°F
Rainfall 1.5in
Number of days with rainfall 2 day(s)
Humidity 73%
Daily sunshine hours 8
Cloud cover 29%
Length of day 09:26
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Cala de Sant Vicent in december

Climate in Cala Gració in december

In december, the mean temperature in Cala Gració is 61°F (maximum temperature is 63°F and minimum temperature is 59°F). The climate is quite cool in this city in december, but it is livable when dressing cosy. With 1.5in over 2 days, you risk getting wet slightly throughout your journey. But this is pretty reasonably and it will not be continuous.
With a good climate, the month of december is a recommended month to go in Cala Gració.

Average temperature 61°F
Highest temperature 63°F
Lowest temperature 59°F
Sea temperature 63°F
Rainfall 1.5in
Number of days with rainfall 2 day(s)
Humidity 73%
Daily sunshine hours 8
Cloud cover 29%
Length of day 09:27
Our opinion at good
more information about the climate in Cala Gració in december

All cities in Ibiza in december

Eivissa (Ibiza) in decembergood weather
Formentera in decembergood weather
Portinatx in decembergood weather
Cala de Sant Vicent in decembergood weather
Cala Gració in decembergood weather
Cala Llenya in decembergood weather
Cala Llonga in decembergood weather
Es Canar in decembergood weather
Es Cubells in decembergood weather
Es Figueral in decembergood weather
San Miguel de Balansat in decembergood weather
Sant Antoni de Portmany in decembergood weather
Sant Carles de Peralta in decembergood weather
Sant Joan de Labritja in decembergood weather
Sant Jordi de ses Salines in decembergood weather
Sant Josep de sa Talaia in decembergood weather
Santa Gertrudis de Fruitera in decembergood weather
Cala Comte in decembergood weather
Cala de S’Aigua Blanca in decembergood weather
Cala Salada in decembergood weather
Puig de Missa in decembergood weather
Sa Talaiassa in decembergood weather
Sant Llorenç de Balafia in decembergood weather
Santa Eulària des Riu in decembergood weather
Ses Salines in decembergood weather
See full list of cities (25)

Weather data for Ibiza in december:

Weather data for Ibiza in december is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Ibiza. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Ibiza can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to Ibiza.

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